Read these, then drink!
You wouldn’t know it from looking at my cocktail blog, A Dash of Bitters, but I used to be a somewhat active cocktail blogger, and I’ve been in the blogging game for a long time, since 2006. (Well, that’s a long time for a cocktail blog, anyway.) I’ve seen a lot of cocktail blogs come and go. I’ve seen some blogs come, stay a while, and fall asleep on the couch. I’ve seen cocktail bloggers forget to renew their domains and have their sites taken over by e-cig vendors.
I’ve met fellow bloggers at Tales of the Cocktail, gone bar-hopping in NYC with others, and even joined a writers’ collaborative with a group of fellow grog-bloggers. I’ve seen a few of my fellows break out into professional (that is, paid) writing, and nearly abandon their blogs altogether. (Hey, I resemble that remark.)
But dammit, I still love cocktail blogs. I enjoy it when I see blogs by people who are drinking their way through their city’s cocktail scene. I like watching people rediscover classic recipes, and turn up recipes and cocktail ideas that few people have seen before.
With that in mind, I’m going to discuss a few of the newer blogs I’ve come across and explain briefly what I think is cool about each one. I’m focusing here on blogs that are entirely or primarily about booze and cocktails, and only including those that have been updated regularly in 2013. Let’s give some love to the men and women who keep their blogs fresh and vibrant!
Started by a couple of friends in Seattle, Booze Nerds takes an appropriately nerdy approach to cocktails, if by nerd you mean intellectual and mildly obsessive. In one recent post, for example, they mail-order some acid phosphate and use it in cocktails that ordinarily use lime juice, and then they compare the phosphate version to the original. Who’d do that? Nerds, of course. I won’t tell you how it turns out; just go read it already. The blog has a witty, accessible writing style.
Read the full article here.